Please follow these steps to submit an offer through Exceleras.

To submit an offer, you can go directly to or from your agent profile, click on Buyer Agent offers, then Search.

To search for a property, enter the address and click on the Search button. If your property does not come up, try searching by state.

Once you locate the property, click on the Submit Offer button. 


If you are a first-time user in Exceleras, you will need to register and create an agent profile. If you are an existing user, enter your login Name and Password. 

As a real estate agent, you will need to agree to being a licensed real estate agent and the technology fee. Once you click on both checkboxes, click on the Continue button. 

Enter the buyer’s information, offer terms and complete any other required fields. 

Next upload the required documents.
If the offer is a cash deal, the Mortgage Approval Letter hyperlink will not appear. 

Lastly, click on the Submit button to complete and submit your offer.  

Once your offer is submitted, you will:

  • Receive immediate confirmation that your offer has been submitted
  • Receive immediate email receipt of your offer for forwarding to your buyer

Your Offer Submission account is updated in real-time as offer status changes, and email notifications keep you informed.

Once your offer is submitted, you can check it by going back into your agent profile and clicking on Buyer Agent Offers then Manage Offers to confirm the offer was submitted. You will see the offer will be showing Under Review.